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Saturday, October 10, 2020

                                                          Leaping Over a Wall

2 Samuel 22:30 “ By my God I can leap over a wall”

As a senior woman I don’t anticipate leaping over a physical wall any time soon.  And those who remember how non athletic I was in high school recognize that I was unlikely to leap over walls even then.

Recently I have sensed the voice of God calling me to a task which looms before me as daunting as leaping over walls.  He is calling me to start a blog. Just to give you an idea why this daunts me…. I still have an AOL account and I go to the library every week to take out actual books. Tech savvy I am not!

As a follower of Jesus I have the privilege of opening His word every morning and listening to what He has to say to me. I believe that God wants me to share some of these lessons with others through blogging.

 Today’s Scripture promises me that God will go with me and will strengthen me so that I can “leap over the wall” and enter the world of blogging. If you are reading this it means that the leap has been made and I have entered the world of blogging.

Is there something God want you to do? Has God put a dream in your heart? The God who loves you has a  good plan for you no matter how old or how young you are.  If He wants you to do something that seems overwhelming, remember that He promises to equip you to leap over the wall.  And if leaping over that wall seems impossible,  just remember me, the technically unsavvy senior who just posted her first blog!


  1. 🙏🏻🙏🏻🙏🏻 This is an answered prayer. Well written!
    Keep up the good work. 👍 Tom

  2. Congratulations. We all have "walls to leap over, but don't always stay tuned in to listen to God. I believe we spend's too much prayer time telling God what we want rather than LISTENING. You are doing the latter.

  3. Hey my friend. What an answer to our prayers. Think you have found your niche. May the Lord use it mightily in people's lives. It blessed me!!! Diane C.

  4. Worthwhile journeys start with a step. You leapt a wall. Congratulations!

  5. Glad you have combined your love of writing and God to create this blog. You have truly scaled a technological wall!

  6. Hugs Diane, we are to scale those walls and with Him it is possible as well as rewarding

  7. Wonderful post Diane!! So happy you are up and running. Your encouraging words will be a blessing to many.

  8. Authentic and thoughtful. Well done, Diane! Looking forward to more postings in your "journal."

  9. Diane, this is so delightful Thank you for challenging me in a tender way.

  10. Congrats on your leap- well done! And a great reminder to us all that we can also leap over our walls because" I can do all things through Christ who gives me strength", Phil 4:13.


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