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Monday, April 5, 2021

Brute Beast



“I was senseless and ignorant; I was a brute beast before you. Yet I am always with you; You hold me by my right hand.” Psalm 73:22-23(NIV)


The little girl kicked and screamed.  The ball was in the street, and she wanted it. Her father said “no”.  The child cried; the father kept holding her hand. The little girl whined and pleaded; the good father held onto her hand. The little girl called her daddy “mean”; the good father kept holding her hand. There was danger in the street; the good father will never let go of her hand.


So often I am like that child.  I see something I want. I try to get it.  I pray for it. I struggle. I know that God answers prayers, but He doesn’t seem to be answering this one.  I think that God is unfair. Inwardly, I whine and plead. I am very much like the little girl in the story.


The Psalmist identifies a person with this attitude as being a “brute beast”.  A brute beast is defined as “an animal destitute of reason”.  Like a brute beast, I ignorantly believe that I know what is best. But the Lord sees the danger that I am unable to see.


In Scripture, God is often described as holding my hand.  This is reassuring when I am afraid.  It is encouraging when I am lost.  It is comforting when I feel lonely. In those times, I am thankful for His loving hand on mine.


However, when I have sinned, when I want to do things my way, when every part of me wants to get away from Him...then, His hand on mine feels restrictive.  The “brute beast” in me kicks and screams and struggles to get away.  But the good Father keeps holding my hand.


When the little girl gets older, she will know that the hand holding her back was a hand of love. 


Lord, help me to recognize the depth of your love and of your wisdom. When You say “no” to something I want, may I trust You. May I find joy in Your Presence and be grateful that Your hand is holding mine.


















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