It was an ordinary house. It could use a fresh coat of paint. Not the worst house on the block but not the best either. A house that might never be noticed.
In the early morning darkness, I walked through my gated community. As I turned a corner, the darkness was illuminated by sparkling white lights. The beauty was coming from a single strand of Christmas lights strewn on the roof of the ordinary house. This was no elaborate Christmas display like the ones featured on the local news. It was merely a simple strand of lights on a very dark street.
Philippians 2:15 describes Christians as living in a dark world “among whom you shine as lights in the world.”
Like the old house, our lives may be ordinary. We may be battered and bruised and in need of repair. Jesus is asking us to come to Him as we are, with all our flaws and weaknesses. He invites us to sit at His feet and enjoy His Presence.
As we arise and go out into the world, Jesus goes with us. His desire is to shine through us. Even the smallest glimmer of light shines brightly in a dark world.
Lord, today may Your Light shine on me and may Your Light shine through me.
It has been a very dark world this year, Diane. It only takes each one of us to let our lights shine and our brightness will be seen by others. Thank you for sharing your thoughts with us.