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Thursday, April 29, 2021

A Burglar in the House?







Intense sharp barking in the middle of the night could only mean one thing. There was a burglar in the house! And in the minds of the two little dogs the burglar was me! 


How was I - a mild mannered senior adult - mistaken for a burglar?  I was pet sitting for my friend’s two dogs. During the day, I had fed the dogs, taken them outside, given them treats.  At the end of the evening, I sat on the sofa peacefully watching a movie with a dog leaning on either side of me.  It was apparent that they liked and trusted their “substitute dog mom”. Then, when I got up to use the restroom in the middle of the night, they appeared to have forgotten who I was.  They were convinced that I was a stranger in the house who intended to do harm.


So often we are like that with God.  He gives us gifts every day.  In the good times, we sit with Him and enjoy His company.  Sometimes, in His sovereignty, He allows difficulties to enter our lives. How quick we are to doubt His goodness. How quick we are to forget all the gifts that He gave us the day before. Instead, we are convinced that He intends to harm us.  


Back to the dog story...Are you wondering how I convinced the dogs that I was not a burglar? I spoke the words beloved by dogs everywhere - “Do you want a treat?”  The barking stopped in an instant and two little dogs were sitting at my feet with eyes pierced on the treat container in my hand. I gave them the treats, petted them and took a little time to reacquaint them with their “substitute dog mom”. When I got up the next morning, two little dogs with wagging tails greeted me.


How does God respond when I question His goodness and believe that His plans for me are harmful? Often God responds with kindness.  Romans 2:4 says “It’s His kindness that leads us to repentance”.  He continues to give us good gifts. A beautiful sunrise. A phone call from a friend. Just the right song on the radio. A delicious meal. Sweet smelling flowers.  He opens our eyes to the good things in our lives each day. He kindly reminds us of His love and His care for us. As we gaze upon Him, we sit at His feet and trust Him once more.





Thursday, April 22, 2021




“Come to Me, all you who labor and are heavy laden, and I will give you rest.” Matthew 11:28(NKJV)


“Come!  All you have to do is come!  If you are weary, come!  If you are discouraged, come! If you are afraid, come! If you mess up, come!  You don’t have to do anything else - just come!”

The young preacher almost burst with enthusiasm as he preached a message that seemed to consist of nothing more than a repetition of the words “just come”. As a young Christian visiting a new church, I was not impressed. In fact, I remember thinking that I could have preached a better sermon myself.



Fast forward more than 30 years.  As a senior, more mature Christian I can’t tell you how many times that sermon has crossed my mind. Throughout the years, I have heard many elegant, 3 point sermons with multiple Bible references. Most of those sermons are no longer in my memory. But the sermon by the young preacher repeating the words “just come” remains with me.



Why? Because it is true.  For many years, I thought that I had to do something before I came back to God. When I messed up, I would try harder the next day. Inevitably, the next day I would fall flat on my face. I struggled so hard, but I could never get it all right.


The good news is that I don’t have to struggle. Jesus already lived a perfect life when He walked on this earth. He already took my punishment when He died on the cross. All I need to do is to admit that I am wrong then run into the arms of my Father. He is standing there ready to welcome me. All I have to do is to just come.


What good news!  What amazing grace! Coming to Christ for salvation is a gift - not something that I earn. My ongoing relationship with God is also by grace alone. When I sin, I just need to admit that I am wrong, then “come - just come”.  It’s that simple. The young preacher was right after all.




Thursday, April 15, 2021

Even There



“If I take the wings of the morning, and dwell in the uttermost parts of the sea, even there Your hand shall lead me, and Your right hand shall hold me.”Psalm 139:9-10 (NKJV)


The night seems to go on forever. Tossing and turning. Worrying and fretting. What if the plane crashes?  What if I get COVID?  What if I lose my job?  What if my health declines?  There is no end to the “what ifs” that can keep us awake at night.


None of us knows what tomorrow holds. Unexpected things can occur at any time. Sometimes good things happen.  Some things happen that are not so good. Life is unpredictable. This can be exciting. This can be scary.


Psalm 139 talks about a scenario in which  I “take the wings of morning and dwell in the uttermost parts of the sea”.  The psalm doesn’t give me any details of what life would be like in such a remote location. But it does say one important thing.  God is there. No matter where I go in life, EVEN THERE I will find God. He is there, and these things are true:  “His hand shall lead me” and “His right hand shall hold me”. 


I don’t know what life will look like today or tomorrow or next month or next year.  But I do know that God will be with me.  He will lead me. He will hold my hand as we walk together. He will comfort me when I am fearful. He will hold me up if I start to fall.


Having this promise makes the future seem less scary. I can sleep better at night knowing that wherever life takes me, He is there. Thank you, Lord, for your faithfulness and your unfailing love.












Monday, April 5, 2021

Brute Beast



“I was senseless and ignorant; I was a brute beast before you. Yet I am always with you; You hold me by my right hand.” Psalm 73:22-23(NIV)


The little girl kicked and screamed.  The ball was in the street, and she wanted it. Her father said “no”.  The child cried; the father kept holding her hand. The little girl whined and pleaded; the good father held onto her hand. The little girl called her daddy “mean”; the good father kept holding her hand. There was danger in the street; the good father will never let go of her hand.


So often I am like that child.  I see something I want. I try to get it.  I pray for it. I struggle. I know that God answers prayers, but He doesn’t seem to be answering this one.  I think that God is unfair. Inwardly, I whine and plead. I am very much like the little girl in the story.


The Psalmist identifies a person with this attitude as being a “brute beast”.  A brute beast is defined as “an animal destitute of reason”.  Like a brute beast, I ignorantly believe that I know what is best. But the Lord sees the danger that I am unable to see.


In Scripture, God is often described as holding my hand.  This is reassuring when I am afraid.  It is encouraging when I am lost.  It is comforting when I feel lonely. In those times, I am thankful for His loving hand on mine.


However, when I have sinned, when I want to do things my way, when every part of me wants to get away from Him...then, His hand on mine feels restrictive.  The “brute beast” in me kicks and screams and struggles to get away.  But the good Father keeps holding my hand.


When the little girl gets older, she will know that the hand holding her back was a hand of love. 


Lord, help me to recognize the depth of your love and of your wisdom. When You say “no” to something I want, may I trust You. May I find joy in Your Presence and be grateful that Your hand is holding mine.


















Word of the Year 2025: God’s Love

  “…to comprehend with all the saints what is the width and length and depth and height - to know the love of Christ which passes knowledge...